Rain / Freeze Sensor Installed


Rainbird Rain Sensor Installed:


  • Saves Water
    Independent testing shows a Weather
    Sensor offers 30-35% water savings
    over basic irrigation controllers.
  • Prevents Over-watering
    Turns the irrigation system off during
    rain and low temperatures. Sensor
    prevents it from turning back on
    until irrigation is needed.
  • Save MoneyA weather sensor reduces utility bills and lawn maintenance costs by interrupting the irrigation system in rain and low temperatures. Reduced wear on the irrigation system. The system runs only when necessary.
  • Freeze Protection Once near-freezing temperatures are detected, the sensor will automatically shut an irrigation system down. Irrigating during a freeze is not only hazardous to the life of landscapes, it can also be hazardous to those who may walk or drive nearby.

SKU: rain-sensor-installed Category:


Rainbird Rain/Freeze Sensor Installed:


  • Saves Water
    Independent testing shows a Weather
    Sensor offers 30-35% water savings
    over basic irrigation controllers.
  • Prevents Over-watering
    Turns the irrigation system off during
    rain and low temperatures. Sensor
    prevents it from turning back on
    until irrigation is needed.
  • Save MoneyA weather sensor reduces utility bills and lawn maintenance costs by interrupting the irrigation system in rain and low temperatures. Reduced wear on the irrigation system. The system runs only when necessary.
  • Freeze Protection Once near-freezing temperatures are detected, the sensor will automatically shut an irrigation system down. Irrigating during a freeze is not only hazardous to the life of landscapes, it can also be hazardous to those who may walk or drive nearby.


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