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For over 25 years JB Irrigation has been Houston's trusted source for irrigation system repair and maintenance.

Insulate, Drain, or both? Winterizing your Houston, Texas Lawn Sprinkler System

lawn irrigation systems

winterization sprinkler freeze preventionIn the Houston, Texas area we have to worry only about exposed irrigation system piping and components. The underground piping is usually not affected by our kind of freezing weather because the soil acts as an insulator. The temperature of the soil your irrigation system is buried in typically stays above freezing. It is however VERY important to protect exposed pipes and sprinkler system components from freeze. System protection can be achieved by insulating a sprinkler system, draining a sprinkler system, checking o-rings and seals, electrical and more.

JB Irrigation can professionally insulate the affected areas of your sprinkler system. JB Irrigation’s techniques and professional insulating products will even allow your sprinkler system to be kept online through the winter, in case you need to continue to irrigate.
JB Irrigation can also drain your Houston area sprinkler system to prepare it from freeze. However, once the system is drained, it will be offline. If there is a need to irrigate through the winter, the system will need to be drained again to be protected. Draining key components of the system will help ensure no problems when it comes time to start-up the system in the spring.
If you feel you may have a harsh winter coming…for a worry free winter with your sprinkler system…Insulate and drain. If temperatures get low enough, even with insulation water can freeze. Also, it is possible for water to get trapped in a “pocket” or low point of the system or component and freeze.
Contact JB Irrigation to get your sprinkler system protected.

Save $10 by ordering your sprinkler winterization online here. 

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