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For over 25 years JB Irrigation has been Houston's trusted source for irrigation system repair and maintenance.

Recent Thunderstorms Damage Hundreds Of Irrigation Systems In Houston

controller burnt 2

It’s been a wet last few months with record rainfall and flooding. Many homeowners have turned off their irrigation systems because of it. Now that the rain has subsided, it’s time to water again. Some people find that when turning on their system, it doesn’t work.

Along with the flooding rains were Thunderstorms. These thunderstorms produced deadly, damaging lightening. A close lightening strike can cause power surges in your home’s electrical system, knocking out sensitive electrical appliances and components.

Irrigation system timers and controllers are one of these items. JB Irrigation has seen an increase in these lightening related and power surge related type failures. We’ve attached photos of a recently ruined sprinkler controller that almost caught fire from a near-hit lightening strike.

If your irrigation system was working before the storms and it’s not now, yours may have suffered this type of damage.

If the system seems it is ‘off’ or not getting power but it is; (this can be verified by plugging in a lamp or other appliance into the same outlet) you probably have a lightening damaged control-timer panel.

If the LCD display is garbled there is likely this type damage.

If the system, when activated, continuously runs the same zone and will not turn off or advance, you may have lightening or power surge damage.

If you have any signs of burn marks or discoloration of the internals of the unit you may have a damaged control unit.

JB Irrigation & Service specializes in this type of sprinkler repair. We are experienced in the repair, replacement, resetting and rebooting of these electronic control systems. We have technicians standing by, in your area, with our service trucks stocked with the necessary replacement parts and replacement units. Call us today…281-760-3882

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