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For over 25 years JB Irrigation has been Houston's trusted source for irrigation system repair and maintenance.

Route Water Where You Want It To Go With Catch Basins

catch basins

Rainfall isn’t always predictable and a sudden downpour can be a problem for certain projects. Knowing how to take care of areas that receive more rain than the ground can absorb in a reasonable amount of time can save you from a plethora of problems. Consider starting your problem solving process with CATCH BASINS.

Stop Water Puddling Before it Begins

What is the purpose of a catch basin? It stops puddling in the yard by moving the puddle on top of the ground, into the ground and then allowing the pipe to take it away, A catch basin is a staging ground for excess water until the pipe has enough water to move it. There are many benefits to installing a catch basin — particularly in areas that receive heavy rain or are at risk for standing water.

Catch basin installations are an excellent option for areas that need a quick solution. Installing a catch basin gives you the ability to move water out quicker than options like creating a natural slope.

It also reduces erosion, which moves water more efficiently. You don’t have to wait for the soil to absorb the water.

Think Preventative

What happens when catch basins aren’t installed in high-risk areas? You either have flooding, puddling, or severe runoff that can cause destruction of property, landscape and erosion problems. On properties that have a lot of clay-based soil, heavy rains cause water to pool easily above surface because the ground cannot absorb the water quickly enough. What starts as a little runoff can turn into a small waterfall. Without a catch basin, water will start cutting away soil and the water starts eroding out the soil. If you know you have an at-risk area, you can use a catch basin as a preventative to acquire water before it gets to a low point—if you place them strategically.

Do you have a project area or landscape that could benefit from a catch basin installation? Call JB Irrigation and one of our friendly employees can help you resolve you drainage issues with the right catch basin installation.

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