Sprinkler Freeze Alert For The Houston Area

frozen sprinkler system

The temperature is expected to plunge in the Houston area for most of this week. Starting on Monday we’ll see a low of of at least 17 degrees, and some reports state that it could get into single digits and we will have snow fall. During hard freezes like this it is critical to properly…

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High Temperatures Expect Throughout The Week – It’s Time To Service Your Sprinkler System


The Houston area is expecting temperatures to rise to the mid-nineties throughout the week. Hight heat can damage your lawn without proper irrigation. Did you know that improperly adjusted sprinkler systems, leaky pipes and broken sprinkler heads can waste thousands of gallons of water. Have your system serviced by JB Irrigation’s technicians now before the…

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How to Prevent Fertilizer Burn During the Summer


During the warm summer months, everyone wants to enjoy their lawns. Unfortunately, the summer heat can also stress turf and increase the chance of lawn damage from fertilizer applications. Before choosing a fertilizer for summer turf, knowing the difference between nitrogen sources will help you reduce the possibility of fertilizer burn. Quick-release fertilizers Fast-acting fertilizers…

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How do I start up my sprinkler system this season?


Spring start up can be easily done by following these steps. 1. Turn on the water supply. 2. Activate each station on the system with the controller 3. Walk through each station to verify the proper operation 4. Program the controller for automatic operation 5. Verify weather sensor is operational The first step is to…

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Correcting Yard And Foundation Drainage


Improving the drainage outside your home will yield long-lasting benefits. Failure to correct inadequate drainage could lead to disastrous consequences ranging from drowned plants to structural damage. Water is the major cause of structural problems in a home, such as decayed wood, fungus growth, and settling or upheaval of the foundation. Provide drainage with surface…

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