Thank You For A Great Year. We Look Foward To Serving Your Sprinkler Repair Needs In 2016.
2015 was a wonderful year for all of us at JB Irrigation. We want to thank all of our great customers and employees that make our business a success. We look forward to continuing to serve your sprinkler system repair needs throughout 2016 and beyond. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Tips On How To Adjust Your Sprinkler Head Arc
This informative video from Hunter explains exactly how to adjust your sprinkler head arc and inspect your o-rings. This simple adjustment is very commonly needed to ensure that you are efficiently watering your lawn.
Spring Sprinkler System Check and Start Up Inspection
You’ve made it through the cold months with a winterized sprinkler system, but what do you do now as the weather warms up for Spring? JB Irrigation offers a complete Spring system check to ensure that your irrigation system is ready for service and that you are watering efficiently and not spending too much on…
Sprinkler System Winterization Service Houston TX
JB Irrigation provides a Winterization service that involves insulating and/or draining; the exposed irrigation system piping and components. They use professional, proven insulating products. The Winterization service also includes a system check, adjustments and general maintenance to your sprinkler system. Save $10 by ordering your sprinkler winterization online here.
Insulate, Drain, or both? Winterizing your Houston, Texas Lawn Sprinkler System
In the Houston, Texas area we have to worry only about exposed irrigation system piping and components. The underground piping is usually not affected by our kind of freezing weather because the soil acts as an insulator. The temperature of the soil your irrigation system is buried in typically stays above freezing. It is however…
Winterizing Your Houston Texas Irrigation System
Before the onset of the first freeze, it is essential to Winterize irrigation systems in preparation the arrival of winter. As temperatures drop and create freezing conditions, the cycling of freezing (expanding) and thawing (contracting) of any remaining water in the exposed irrigation piping and components can cause damage to the system. JB Irrigation provides…
The Anatomy of a Water-Smart Irrigation System
A water-smart irrigation system in a landscape functions much like the systems in a human body. That’s a useful analogy you can share to educate your clients about the value of smart irrigation. Let’s compare the following water-smart products to different organs, functions, and systems in our physical selves. Start with a smart controller, the…
Ready for Smart Irrigation Month?
It has now been a decade since JB Irrigation has been promoting the efficient use of irrigation through the “Smart Irrigation Month” campaign. The purpose of smart irrigation month is to “…increase awareness of the value of water use… and grow demand for water-saving products, practices and services”. Glass Repair Jonesboro AR JB Irrigation &…
Promoting Water Conservation Just Makes Good Water Sense
More than 1 trillion gallons of water leak from homes nationwide each year—that’s a trillion reasons to get involved in water conservation. That’s why JB Irrigation is participating in Fix a Leak Week from March 17 – 23, to help promote water efficiency and conservation.Sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) WaterSense program, Fix a…
JB Irrigation Is Featured On ABC 13 News To Discuss Houston Sprinkler Freeze Repair
When Houston’s temperature drops below freezing, irrigation systems across the city are prone to malfunction. ABC 13 News contacted Houston’s foremost expert on sprinkler system repair, JB Irrigation, to discuss this topic on the evening news.
It’s Been Cold In Houston. Have Your Sprinkler Freeze Repair Done By JB Irrigation
Houston weather has taken a chilly turn over the last week or so. Our usual warm and humid environment disappeared and temperatures fell into the 20’s as the weathermen across the country spoke of “polar vortexes” and ice storms throughout the nation. When a strong freeze hits Houston we are always faced with damage to…
5 Essential Tips to Transition Your Lawn Care into Fall (and Optimize Your Sprinkler System)
As the days shorten and the air cools, it’s time to shift your lawn care routine to prepare for the fall and winter months. While summer’s heat fades, your lawn still needs attention to thrive. This is also a crucial time to focus on your sprinkler system to ensure it’s running efficiently and ready for…